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Measures of Central Tendency

Central Tendency: - The tendency of the individual item of a statistical series to cluster around the central value is called the Central Tendency. Sometimes it is called the measure of location or a measure of representation. Several types of Central Tendency can be defined: The commons are The Arithmetic Mean The Median The Mode The Geometric Mean The Harmonic Mean The Arithmetic Mean: - The Arithmetic Mean of a grouped frequency distribution is defined as A = any guessed or assumed class mark. f = Frequency of each class interval. n = Sum of total frequency. i = Range of class interval. d = Deviation of the assumed class mark from each class interval by the range of class interval. d = (Xi – A) / i The Median: - The Median of a grouped is defined as Where, M e = Median of the total class. f c = Previous cumulative frequency of all classes above the media class. f m = Frequency of the correspon